This is a very exciting and important moment in the 83 year history of the Society of Australian Cinema Pioneers. The Society's website has been completely redesigned, re-purposed and upgraded technically. As a result, the website is now very interesting, useful and offers many services to members.
Thank you to Kevin Adams, former Victorian President, and his colleague Matthew Nock for their excellent work.
The website's core purpose is communication. To members, from members, between members. The site is easy to click around. There is a direct link to the new Society Facebook pages, one in each State.
Potential new members can find out about the Society and see what the membership criteria are. If they meet them, they can use the site to apply for membership.
Have a look around. Contribute stories or information. Arrange get togethers in your local districts.
I hope you enjoy the website.
Happy Pioneering
Tim Read - National President 2017-2018
This is a very exciting and important moment in the 83 year history of the Society of Australian Cinema Pioneers. The Society's website has been completely redesigned, re-purposed and upgraded technically. As a result, the website is now very interesting, useful and offers many services to members.
Thank you to Kevin Adams, former Victorian President, and his colleague Matthew Nock for their excellent work.
The website's core purpose is communication. To members, from members, between members. The site is easy to click around. There is a direct link to the new Society Facebook pages, one in each State.
Potential new members can find out about the Society and see what the membership criteria are. If they meet them, they can use the site to apply for membership.
Have a look around. Contribute stories or information. Arrange get togethers in your local districts.
I hope you enjoy the website.
This is a very exciting and important moment in the 83 year history of the Society of Australian Cinema Pioneers. The Society's website has been completely redesigned, re-purposed and upgraded technically. As a result, the website is now very interesting, useful and offers many services to members.
Thank you to Kevin Adams, former Victorian President, and his colleague Matthew Nock for their excellent work.
The website's core purpose is communication. To members, from members, between members. The site is easy to click around. There is a direct link to the new Society Facebook pages, one in each State.
Potential new members can find out about the Society and see what the membership criteria are. If they meet them, they can use the site to apply for membership.
Have a look around. Contribute stories or information. Arrange get togethers in your local districts.
I hope you enjoy the website.
Click to Enter
Tim Read - National President 2017-2018
Happy Pioneering
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The Society of