I am happy to announce that your National Executive is sending out a questionnaire to all Pioneer Members seeking their views about the Society and the way it is running .  The Pioneers was founded in 1933 and we want to make sure it is still going strong in another 83 years.  Are we happy with the way things are or are there some changes which would be good?
The questionnaire will go out in two ways. Those members who have access to the internet and email will receive a link to an online survey which will take a few minutes to complete and send back.  All other members will receive the questionnaire by postal mail and be asked to fill in the form manually and post it back using their own envelope and stamp.
I ask all members who receive the questionnaire to take the time to complete and return it.  We need your ideas.
Members who receive the questionnaire by postal mail will be asked if they have an email address and if they would be happy to receive all future correspondence by email.  There are over 1,400 members for whom we do not have email addresses and this makes communication very expensive, buying stamps and printing material with Society funds that could be used better in other ways.  I guess that many of these members do have email addresses but haven’t given them to the Society.  Please do so.
Of course, members who don’t have email probably won’t be seeing this message.  But for those members who are seeing it, please get the word out: please fill out the questionnaire and we need as many members as possible on email and we need the addresses.
I wish you all the best for 2017.
Tim Read
President 2017-2018