Lorna Wallis has been an integral part of Wallis Cinemas history within various roles not only at locations, but in supporting her late husband Bob Wallis in continuing his father’s legacy.
It all started when she was working for Doug Wilson as a bookkeeper where she met Hughie and Bob Wallis. From there her relationship with Bob flourished, leading to marriage and the beginning of her career with Wallis working at the Hi-Line Drive-In and Glenelg Cinema in the Candy Bar. It was during this time Lorna had her children, son Darryl followed by daughter Michelle. Lorna’s fondest memory of working on the ground is at the Hi-Line where they would have up to 800 cars (per session) on a Saturday night and serve three course meals!
After the birth of her children, Lorna became the proud housewife to her dear Bob, always ensuring the house was in order, and that the children were involved in extra-curricular activities and that she was there to support Bob in his career.
Through the ups and downs, she was always by his side until the distressing passing of her beloved Bob. After his passing, she threw herself into the role of owner, navigating her way and leading the company (alongside daughter Michelle) after a challenging time. Other challenges to navigate have included evolving Cinema technology, the growth of streaming services and of course, the latest challenge of COVID-19. Now joined by Michelle’s daughter Deanna, the three women are fiercely working hard to honour and protect both Hughie and Bob’s hard work and legacy. The current Wallis Circuit consists of Mitcham / Mt Barker / Noarlunga / Mildura / Piccadilly and Gepps Cross Drive-In.
Lorna is extremely dedicated to her family and the business as she leads the way (with her support team) to ensure future success and longevity.
CONGRATULATIONS LORNA! Lorna will be presented with her award at the 2021 Annual Christmas Luncheon to be held on Sunday 21 November at 12 Noon – at the Highway